
Weapons Briefing: Kinetic Weaponary

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In This Briefing, we shall see that kinetic projectiles are still in and into the foreseeable future. History will prove that the rock still hurts. This only applies to Starship weapons. Also while they have high velocities and speeds compared to the rest of Kinetic Weapons used in Ancerious Galaxy, they have longer reloads. This weapons are based off Battleships of the old days with their massive and impressive Broadsides. 

Exactly What is Used...?

As with most weapon systems, Energy is derived from mainly the EPS conduit system and is used to maniuplate and charge up a gravitons and anti gravitons. This also can come in multiple forms. The two forms of weaponry are Coiled barreled Gravity guns and then Kinetic Rifles. Both operate differently but work on the same principle that to accelerate a projectile to high speeds, a gravity wall is built up behind the projectile but not released onto the projector until it reaches a full charge. From there the gravity coils help keep the projectile steady as it accelerates out the barrel and provides slightly more acceleration. 

Coiled Gravity Guns

This is the standard Kinetic weapon found on Avilun ships and has a much higher rate of fire than Kinetic Rifles. This is due to as the energy of the gravity wall is expended, some of its energy is captured and recycled for the next shot. It also depends on the version of the turret as smaller point defense turrets will have a much higher rate of fire rating in the hundreds of round per minute, but a much slower velocity. Coiled Gravity guns of the Primary armament though usually fire their rounds at .2c with current technologies.
Can be mounted in a turret or as the ship's Axial weapon

  • Good overall Damage
  • Recycling Energy speeds up Reload Time
  • Can be both Axial and Turret Mount
  • Can Use Different types of Ammunition
  • Still longer reload compared to other race's weapons
  • Ammunition Cannot be changed until the barrel is fired, or else most of the energy being built up will be lost
  • Energy Weapons are more accurate and still have a longer range

There are multiple styled of rounds available to Coiled Gravity guns. The current Ammunition are as listed: 
  • Armor Piercing Round
  • Slahnev Round
  • Gravimetric Pulse Canister
Armor Piercing Round
Standard Shells and most generally used in Kinetic Rifles. They have the advantage of good armor penetrating and with their high speeds can do decent damage to shields as they carry a lot of Kinetic Force behind them that must be stopped. The problem of these rounds comes from the same problem that plagued wet navy ships of the 20th century, The rounds could enter one side of the ship and then completely exit the other side without doing any significant damage. 

Slahnev Round
Slahnev Rounds were pioneered by Judiek Slahnev and named after him. This was during a turbulent period when other hostile races in their home galaxy threatened their society and attempted to defeat them through any means necessary, including using civilian ships as suicide ships. The problems with Armor Piercing Rounds is that these ships were too lightly armored to easily take out before they could ram one of their ships. Slahnev rounds fixed this by engineering a special round that was sensor fused to split apart like buck shot just prior to hitting an enemy ship. This mean that a very wide area of the ship was hit and damaged. When used, this round stopped countless suicide ships from ramming friendly ships and saved many lives.
So the pros of this round is that it is like HE rounds of the 20th century and has a wide area of damage. The problem is that this round is poor at penetrating armor at long ranges and can still have problems up close to a heavily armored enemy ship.

Gravimetric Pulse Canister

Gravimetric Pulse Canisters are exclusively used by secondary gun batteries and Point Defense Turrets. These canisters are critical to ship defense against incoming missiles and any other small craft. The flak can do moderate to low damage to Corvette and frigate sized ships, but any larger ships they have little to no effect against the ship. This is an evolution of Plasma flak used earlier in Avilun History.
How this works is that at medium ranges in combat, defensive batteries begin to open up fire and create a protective, but not impenetrable barrier of "flak" against missiles and other small craft. It sorta looks like this, but not as close to the ship unless missiles managed to get that far, than there's only a 10% chance that missile or fighter craft can get hit by defenses ;). The Flak barrier put up by Gravimetric Pulses is much more dangerous than this.
Skip to around 0:46

Kinetic Rifles, The MAC styled Guns.

Some of the most powerful Kinetic weapons in the Arsenal of the Avilun, Kinetic Rifles do not recycle energy and instead use Railed Gravimetic Rifling to generate a huge gravity wall and expel it in one great push. This is allows the slug fired to travel at velocity of .36c. The sheer velocity and usual size of the Kintetic rifles usually restricts this to an Axial mounted weapon only and cannot be turreted. Because the energy is expelled in one great push, none of the energy can be recycled and this significantly adds to the reload rate of the ship. Siege Cruisers are ships that are entirely built around this weapon and are used as snipers in space combat. One shot from a siege cruiser could potentially severely damage a fully operational dreadnought. Ships like siege cruisers though are usually vulnerable and lack any other significant weapons to protect itself and therefore should be kept away from the frontline or used in ambush attacks. Also due to the long reload times, a battle might commence and the Siege ships could only give off 1 shot during the entire battle. Kinetic rifles are also expensive to build, use, and maintain. 

  • High Velocity and Therefore Damage
  • Velocity gives weapon significant range compared to other weapons 
  • Cannot use any other ammunition besides AP
  • Could not hit any important systems of a ship
  • Expensive
  • Extremely Long Reload
Next up are the glorious missiles
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